Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Christmas tickers

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Week Of Thanksgiving

Time for an update......
This week is Thanksgiving and Brian and I are very thankful that my pregnancy is going well and Addie is growing as scheduled! I go back to the doctor this Wednesday and we will get to see heron ultrasound! Can't wait to see how she has grown! :)
For Thanksgiving Brian is off from the Police Department so I am especially thankful to have time to spend with him all week and I am off all week! We are having lunch at my Grandmothers and then will go to my Dad's house that evening for dinner!!!
I will get some much needed things done around the house for the upcoming holiday....Christmas! Friday is Black Friday Shopping Day...My favorite day of the year to shop and really the only time I will go in crazy madness! Time to get the house in order because Brians Family will be here for Christmas and we are SUPER excited!!!!
Brian put Addies Cherry Sleigh Bed together and it is so pretty! I can't wait to get her bedding and put it on the bed. It is just going to make the room look so girly and sweet!

Other than that we are just getting ready for the holidays with family and preparing everyday for Addie! :) Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!

22 WEEKS......


Your Mini's hands have grown bigger and stronger and the nerve endings in her fingers have developed her sense of touch. She's in there testing out her newfound abilities by touching her face and grabbing the umbilical cord. Other cool developments:

You're already raising a little Einstein. Your baby's brain is developing at a clip this week and will continue to do so until she's five years old (so load up on the Omega 3)!

Baby's hair is now a short, bright white crop (Billy Idol, eat your heart out!). No matter what color it will end up—red, blonde, black—all babies' hair lacks pigment at this point.

Your baby has started growing taste buds and may be able to detect strong flavors in the amniotic fluid. If you could see inside, you might catch her sticking out her tongue for a taste and then grimacing, a sign that perhaps you should chill on the chili powder.

Your baby now weighs almost a pound and measures almost 11 inches from her head to her heel, which is how the Stretch Armstrong in your uterus will be measured from here on out. Up 'til now your baby's legs were curled tight up against her torso, so she was measured from her head to her bottom (or crown to rump) and not head to toe. This week your mini is about as long as a package of Oreos and as heavy as a large bag of tortilla chips. Who's hungry?

Friday, November 6, 2009


Another Random Ultrasound Pict...but a pretty good picture!

This was another one that we had done! This is a great profile of Addie!

This was the First Ultrasound that we ever had!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

20 Weeks....The Half Way Mark!!!!!

Your Baby
This is the week most women get that ever-important gender-revealing ultrasound. If your baby isn't shy, the genitals can be clearly seen at this point. Will the baby pee standing up or sitting down? Well, that depends on how you potty train—but if you're interested, you could leave the appointment knowing if you're carrying a boy or a girl. Other highlights this week:

Your baby has established sleep patterns akin to a newborn now. Many babies even have a favorite sleep position already. Some snooze with their chins resting on their chests, while others nap with their head flung back. Many babies at this age fall into noticeable cycles of sleep and activity, so you may know before she arrives whether you have a night owl or an early bird.

If your baby is a boy, the testes have begun descending from the pelvis into the scrotum. If it's a girl, her uterus is completely formed and the rest of her "parts" are in development. (Is that TMI?)

From this point forward, your baby will put most of her energy into gaining weight and, not coincidentally, so will you! Right now your baby weighs approximately 10½ ounces and is about 6½ inches long, about the size of a can of Red Bull (which has way too much caffeine for a pregnant woman to be drinking).

Monday, November 2, 2009


Addison Kate is officially registered at Babies R Us and Target! We are very excited that we have registered for some fun and of course cute things! It was a tiring trip but we got through it! I must say I had lots of fun picking out all her cute pink and green things! I can't wait to start buying her clothes for next spring! She is going to be one cute dressed baby girl with cute bows!!!!

You may look under Ashley Day or Brian Day in Memphis or Oakland TN



Well, we had a Great Halloween this year I guess! Brian had to work and he got to hand out candy to the kids in Collierville and I got to go to a Halloween Party! I got to see lots of friends and have lots of laughs being sober this year! hahaha

The best thing is one of our dear friends that hosted the party Mark and Jencie Escue bought Addison her 1st Halloween trick or treating bag! It is a bat and I am going to have her name embroiderd on the back!